Monday, December 31, 2012

For the immigrants of the early 1900's, what was the most difficult part of arriving at Ellis Island? Argue your claim/perspective on this issue!

Journal #8

Question-For the immigrants of the early 1900's, what was the most difficult part of arriving at Ellis Island? Argue your claim/perspective on this issue!

Answer-  There is an important question about immigration which is " what was the most difficult part of arriving at Ellis Island?" My perspective of the most difficult part of arriving at Ellis Island is the legal inspection. The legal inspection consists of 29 questions for every passenger. There was a manifest.  The manifest, as this list was called, had the name and a description of each passenger. An immigrant could be detained for further inquiry if his or her answers differed from the answers listed on the manifest.Furthermore, my perspective of the most difficult part of arriving at Ellis Island is the legal inspection.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Compare and Contrast the Chinese and the Irish immigrants of the late 1800s and decide if the groups are more alike or more different.


Question-Compare and Contrast the Chinese and the Irish immigrants of the late 1800's and decide if the groups are more alike or more different.

Answer- Immigrants are immigrants. An immigrant is someone who wasn't born in the United States. They're are several types of immigrants. Not all immigrants are treated kind or nice. A perfect examples of immigrants that weren't treated right were the Chinese and Irish. The Chinese were disliked so much they had a Chinese Exclusion Act meaning they weren't allowed in the United States for 10 years. The Irish weren't treated so bad. The Irish problems were only with words. The Irish would be told call disgusting and rude just like the Chinese  The difference between the Irish and Chinese is that Americans were afraid that the Chinese would take out all there jobs but the Irish didn't really have a action on them.  If anything the Irish and Chinese are alike more than different.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Considering the conditions of the United States in the 1800s, was Chinatown the right place for the Chinese to settle.?

                                                                      Journal #6

Question- Considering the conditions of the United States in the 1800s, was Chinatown the right place for the Chinese to settle.?

Answer- There are several places in the world. San Francisco and New York wasn't the best places to be in 1800s. There is an important question "Considering the conditions of the United States in the 1800s, was Chinatown the right place for the Chinese to settle?" Considering that there was an act against the Chinese called" Chinese Exclusion Act" and they really couldn't be in the United States but they made a way Chinatown was the right place for the Chinese to settle down. Chinatown was a perfect small community for the Chinese. The Chinese made it there own. They added their exotic smells, sights and customs and drew people to what they call home now. Furthermore, Chinatown was the right place for the Chinese to settle,

Friday, November 23, 2012

Were workers treated fairly during Industrialization

                                                        Journal #5

Question-Were workers treated fairly during Industrialization?

Answer- There has been arguments formed around an important question “were workers treated fairly during Industrialization?” Some arguments are that workers were treated with care and were happy. Another argument was that workers were treated unfairly, got hurt and weren’t happy with their life. My argument is that workers weren't treated fairly during Industrialization. During Industrialization people would have to do labor work. People had to work in factories and at mills. There working condition were very unfair. In the factory, people will have to do over time because they didn’t finish their work by a certain time. Other people hands and feet would be bleeding, broken or tired. Treatment for worker during Industrialization was very unfair. Furthermore, my argument is that workers weren’t treated fairly during Industrialization.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Were there more costs or benefits of industrialization in the late 1800's and early 1900's?

                                                                  Journal #4

Question-Were there more costs or benefits of industrialization in the late 1800's and early 1900's?

Answer-  There has been arguments whether there were more cost or benefits of industrialization in the late 1800's and early 1900's. My argument is there were more cost of  industrialization in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Industrialization during the 1870 and 1970 was American history where major shifts in the social,economic, and political framework of the country brought new machines and shifts for the American people. It was basically the movement  to a manufacturing lifestyle. During 1870 to 1970 it was all about money. Since the social and economy was going up that means more things were expensive. Phones and expensive clothing was coming out. Everyone wanted was nice meaning everyone bought things.  Furthermore, industrialization was more cost than benefits.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Was life better or worse for African African after slavery?

      Theres been questions based on if life was better or worse for African Americans after slavery.Some opinions are that life was worse for African Americans because they still remember the horriable pain and others claim that life was better becuase they get to be regular people now. My opinion is that life was better for African Americans after slavery. This is my opinion because they gained rights and independence, there rights became being able to vote and slavery being abolished meaning slavery can no longer happen. There independence came in when they had to find their own home and get employed.They learned how to be regular people and gain respect and become independent. Therefore, my opinion is that life was better for African Americans after slavery.