Monday, December 3, 2012

Considering the conditions of the United States in the 1800s, was Chinatown the right place for the Chinese to settle.?

                                                                      Journal #6

Question- Considering the conditions of the United States in the 1800s, was Chinatown the right place for the Chinese to settle.?

Answer- There are several places in the world. San Francisco and New York wasn't the best places to be in 1800s. There is an important question "Considering the conditions of the United States in the 1800s, was Chinatown the right place for the Chinese to settle?" Considering that there was an act against the Chinese called" Chinese Exclusion Act" and they really couldn't be in the United States but they made a way Chinatown was the right place for the Chinese to settle down. Chinatown was a perfect small community for the Chinese. The Chinese made it there own. They added their exotic smells, sights and customs and drew people to what they call home now. Furthermore, Chinatown was the right place for the Chinese to settle,

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