Friday, October 5, 2012

Weekly Blogging Question #2

October 5th, 2012
                                                                           Journal #2

Question-Who freed the slaves? Did president Lincoln and the US government free the slaves or did the slaves free themselves? Explain!

Answer- Theres been questions on who freed the slaves. Everyone has there opinion based on this topic in slavery. My opinion is that Abraham Lincoln did not free the slaves. My opinion is this because Abraham Lincoln died before the slaves were freed. There is no way he could of freed the slaves. I think the slaves freed themselves. Furthermore, I dont think Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves I think the slaves freed themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Introduce Argument - 2.5
    Support with Evidence - 1
    Transitions – 2
    Formal Style – 2
    Conclusion - 2

    9.5/20 (Level 2): Kimora, I think that you clearly have some great ideas about time period and what you want to argue in your work. You should spend more time using the rubric to develop your writing because it clearly outlines where points are awarded.

    You could write more academically and add quotes from documents to support your argument!
